Sunday, January 4, 2015

Winter Social

Join us on Saturday, Jan 10th for our Maple Academy Winter Social hosted by the Maple Booster Club.  An evite was sent out, please indicate your plans to help us plan a fun evening for all.

Maple Winter Social

@ Angelus Academy
7644 Dynatech Ct.
Springfield, VA 


Volunteer Sign Ups:

Please join us for an evening filled with food and fun.  We are asking that families with the last names beginning with A-L bring entrees and M-Z bring side dishes or salads.  Please note in the evite what you are bringing so we can plan accordingly.

There will be a $5 per person entry fee with a $15 family max.  We will be celebrating all of this years wonderful Oireachtas placements and all the hard work of our dancers.

There will be a 50/50 raffle and raffle baskets.  Please consider donating an item of your choice for the raffle baskets.   Items such as Gift Cards (any store or amount), Wine, Wine glasses, Wine items, Soaps, Lotions, Candles, Movie Candy boxes, Coffee, Mugs, Teas, Hot Chocolate, Movie Tickets.  Any items would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at dance classes next week.  A volunteer spot sign up sheet has been sent out.  Please sign up to help at the social.  We look forward to seeing everyone.